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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

Sorting of results :

- Cross-sectional Study on The Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis in Asthmatic People

Head : Magnan Antoine, UMR 915: l'Institut du thorax

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


- Cross-sectional Study on The Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis in Asthmatic People

Head : Magnan Antoine, UMR 915: l'Institut du thorax

Main objective

To describe the frequency and severity of allergic rhinitis in French asthmatic patients.

Inclusion criteria

- male and female
- adult
- asthmatic

EPIPOI - Cohort of Overweight Children or Children At Risk of Being Overweight (Haute-Garonne): Screening and Management

Head : Jouret Béatrice, INSERM U558

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


EPIPOI - Cohort of Overweight Children or Children At Risk of Being Overweight (Haute-Garonne): Screening and Management

Head : Jouret Béatrice, INSERM U558

Main objective

The general aims of the EPIPOI study are:
– To screen overweight children or children at the risk of being overweight at 3-4 years old and who are then followed up by their treating physicians with or without support from RéPOP (paediatric obesity prevention and management networks) in Midi-Pyrénées (RéPOP Toulouse);
– to carry out educational intervention programmes for children and to assess their effectiveness;
– to train private practitioners in screening and managing overweight and obese children;
– to determine the prevalence of excess weight and associated factors in children 3-4 years old.
– to characterize the life styles of children aged 3-4 years old.

Inclusion criteria

Overweight children or children at risk of being overweight from voluntary preschools in Haute-Garonne.

BINOME - Observational study of the sociodemographic characteristics of patients infected with HIV B subtype versus HIV non-B subtype and having recently started their first course of antiretroviral treatment.

Head : Cohen-Codar Isabelle

Version 3


Last update : 07/01/2018


BINOME - Observational study of the sociodemographic characteristics of patients infected with HIV B subtype versus HIV non-B subtype and having recently started their first course of antiretroviral treatment.

Head : Cohen-Codar Isabelle

Main objective

Describe and compare the socio-demographic characteristics of patients infected with an HIV-1 of subtype B (group 1) compared to non-B (group 2) treated with a first anti-retroviral drug treatment.
Compare according to the HIV subtype the stage of the disease (clinical, viro-immunology, co-morbidities) at the time treatment is initiated, compare between the 2 groups (B and non-B) the conditions for taking the treatment and the perception by the patient of the therapy and of its effects.
Identification of any correlation between these latter parameters and the change in the disease between the initiation and the first line ARV and the inclusion in the cohort:
- change in the viral load (VL) according to the ARV treatment (PI, NNRTI) and of the HIV subtype (B or non-B), of the CD4,
- any occurrence of clinical events,
- any changes in treatments and reasons.

Inclusion criteria

Age > 18 years, obtaining of written consent for the collection of this personal data, patient infected by the HIV-1 virus, patient coming to consult for the first or second routine follow-up visit (i.e. 1 to 4 months) after the initiation of the ARV treatment, genotype available when the treatment is initiated.

AVANCE - Observational study of the real-world usage, efficacy and safety of rosiglitazone in Type 2 diabetics

Head : Leclerc-Zwirn Christel, Laboratoire GSK

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


AVANCE - Observational study of the real-world usage, efficacy and safety of rosiglitazone in Type 2 diabetics

Head : Leclerc-Zwirn Christel, Laboratoire GSK

Main objective

To describe the profiles of patients being treated by general practitioners and specialists, compatibility of practice with the SPC, patient compliance, and the safety and efficacy of rosiglitazone in "real-world" conditions of use.

Inclusion criteria

- Type 2 diabetic spontaneously consulting (i.e. independently of the study);
- Patient who is starting or has recently started (within a month) a course of treatment with
Avandia® or Avandamet®;
- Patient who has given his/her consent to participate.

- Survey on homeless people in Paris (1994-1995)

Head : MARPSAT Maryse

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


- Survey on homeless people in Paris (1994-1995)

Head : MARPSAT Maryse

Main objective

To study the conditions under which surveys of this type are conducted and extended on a larger scale, and to prepare recommendations for the purpose of achieving a better inclusion of homeless people in the general census of the population, as well as in surveys that are regularly carried out only among those with housing. A first examination of the processes leading to homelessness was also expected.

Inclusion criteria

Persons 18 years of age or older, without a home or having housing but going to food and hot meal distribution centres and/or spending the night in shelters (emergency and long-term).

- Cross-sectional study of precarious situations, perceived health and mixed anxiety-depressive disorders

Head : Royer Bernard
Gusto Gaelle
Tichet Jean

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


- Cross-sectional study of precarious situations, perceived health and mixed anxiety-depressive disorders

Head : Royer Bernard
Gusto Gaelle
Tichet Jean

Main objective

The association between precarious situations and degradation of the state of health is widely accepted and links have been described for morbidity and mortality, and risk behaviours. In this context, our study aims to find a link between precarious situations, the quality of life experienced and the existence of mixed anxiety-depressive disorders

Inclusion criteria

Subject being seen at one of the 12 health centres included in the study.
Insured subjects and beneficiaries of the general social security scheme, who have undergone a periodic health examination and are volunteering for the study

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